Assuming you live in Toronto as I do, I'm sure you've seen them around town. Would you ever use one of these given the digital alternatives?
The infamous media critic Marshall McLuhan said "ya I'll have a double double with an everything bagel with cheddar" when he was in a Tim Hortons once. But he also said "the medium is the message". In this case, I suppose it professes this city's love for staples.
A recovered medieval torture device: Criminals would have their faces dragged along this board thrice daily for a fortnight. |
Before the invention of staples, local business owners would hire small children to hold up their signs and posters. This helped the businesses promote themselves and it provided the children with small sums of money which they would use to purchase penny candies and doo-dads. These children would occasionally go missing. By the mid 1800's staples had replaced them and the children were forced away into the sewer system. They called them staples because that's what they are.
ReplyDeleteThat's some great insight Anonymous. My grandfather used to do tricks with those same penny candies by seeing how many he could jam deep into his ear canal, and pulling some strategically placed doo-dads in the other, and we'd all think they went through his noggin. It was worth the several trips to the hospital.