August 24, 2015

WTF happened to summer?

It's opening week of the CNE, there are leaves on the ground, the days feel cooler and we're seeing ads for "back to school". At least one retail chain tried to soften the blow by calling it "back to campus".

Summer of 2015, I hardly knew ye.


  1. There's goddamn Halloween candy in the stores. And shortly we'll all be saying "Boy, the stores are putting out christmas things ALREADY??!?", just like every year. There's still plenty of warm weather ahead though. right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right? right?

  2. Move to Australia. Here in Brisbane, where winter is just ending, the weather was pretty much the same over the past few months as it was in BC and it's about to warm up.

  3. There are too many criminals in Australia..especially that guy in Wolf Creek.
