November 25, 2014

Hobo Gauntlet Radio

Extensions in life are good.

An extension on your mid term paper is nice. An extension on your house is fantastic. An extension on your junk would be simply wonderful.

Introducing Hobo Gauntlet Radio, the all-natural, gluten free extension of this blog. I'll be producing various episodes here and there, and I welcome your feedback, your musical requests and your shenanigans. Especially your shenanigans.

Hobo Gauntlet Radio is being produced in association with the delightful folks over at Girth, so for the time being, you'll find episodes here. Girth is an audio playground for creative people just doing it for fun, so do check it out. When I get smart enough to figure out how to post them on my own damn blog, I'll do that too.


  1. Any INAUGURAL Radio show that includes Hobo Humpin’ Slobo Babe is just fine with me. Fantastic. Can we get something really edgy like Perry Como next time? THANKS!

  2. Modern Day Goths are called EMO's. As far as I know. I don't know alot.

  3. @Clefto.
    Not a problem. I'd just ask that you have patience while I work that into an upcoming show. And when I say patience, I mean give me $5,000 for that terrible terrible request.

  4. @Billy. I believe you are correct. What the hell does EMO stand for anyway? Oh wait I remember now... Evangelical Monkey Ostriches.

  5. How about an episode devoted to Smiths covers?

  6. Not a bad idea Blin. Food for thought. And more specifically, given Morrissey's vegeterianism, meatless food for thought.

  7. not good. fm radio has a better playlist.

  8. @Anonymous The new Nickleback album comes out soon so that'll make you happy.

  9. Shane MacGowan got new teeth a few years back but they were only dentures. Apparently he's now looking at getting permanent ones.
